All the Things All at Once, and a Ride On the Mom-Guilt Bus

Until last night, I hadn’t slept in a week. I hadn’t showered in days. My house was a disaster, and that’s putting it lightly. Somehow, I have found myself in the midst of sleep training (again), weaning (again), teething (again), a horrific diaper rash, and as an added bonus, my dryer broke. All converging at once into a groundhog’s day of living hell. I was on the verge of collapse. I had to have sleep. …

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What to do when your child says they want to be a You-Tuber!

Mommy, I Want To Be a YouTuber! A Biblical Approach to Help Guide Your Child’s Passion

The other day a young person was sharing with me her aspirations to one day be a rich and famous YouTuber. Cue humongous eye roll…I dutifully proceeded to dismiss her idea as ridiculous, ill-informed, not based in reality, and heartily encouraged her to get a real job when she grows up. I did her a big favor and quashed all remaining embers of enthusiasm she had for this path of folly. After mentally patting myself …

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